Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5th, 2009

Hello everyone! The babies are now a month old! Feels like it was just yesterday that Shara was rushed into delivery and the SD3 came into our lives. Things are going well. Julia had some issues over the weekend though. She caught an infection which caused her breathing to labor and she ended up on the ventilator on Saturday morning. As of now (Sunday night), Julia is off the ventilator and back on the nasal cannula. She has been doing well with it, and hopefully we will have this fully behind us soon. They started her on antibiotics really early and the medicine seems to be doing its job. She is doing better and acting like her old self (getting mad at her nurses and wanting to move all over the place), which is a welcome site!
Drew and Madison have been good, and overall behaving themselves. Madison has been a ball of fire and very active. We actually have to work on getting her to go to sleep sometimes! Drew has been steady and very funny, but now has been treating the NICU to his own brand of scent as his poops are quite awful, hahaha!
The triplets are doing a good job growing overall:
Drew - 2lbs 10.2oz
Julia - 2lbs 11.9oz (couple of those ounces are due to the added stuff on her she won't have tonight)
Madison - 2lbs 4oz
Once the babies reach 3.3 lbs, they will get to start wearing clothes! That is certainly going to be a site to see! You can really start to see them getting bigger and it is very exciting. They also get their first eye exam this week.
We have posted more pictures on the Snap Fish link, but here are some of the latest for everyone to see. We hope you enjoy!







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