Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28th, 2009

Hello everybody! Well, we are now at 100% SD3 quota in the St. Denis household. That's right, all 3 babies are now home! As of May 25th, they were reunited with Madison coming home for the second time.

They are getting big and growing everyday it seems. Drew is now 6lbs 11oz (which is 2lbs in almost 3 weeks since he has been home!), Julia is 5lbs 10oz, and Madison is 6lbs 5oz! Drew is eating almost 4oz at a time which is why he is so big so fast! Madison eats well too, but because of her reflux, we try and limit her to 3oz. Julia is our trouble eater and has a tough time getting to 2oz really because she is not great and sucking, but she is getting there!

Having the three of them home is really awesome and just seeing the three of them in their Boppy seats on our counter makes us crack up. It is a lot of hard work doing all the feeds, bottles, diapers, etc, but we would not have it any other way. We are not getting a lot of sleep, but we knew that would happen. It is just so great to have them here.
Here are some of the newest pictures. Keep checking back on how the SD3 are progressing!

Drew's hair is getting long and is now able to form the perfect "faux hawk"!!

Julia and her favorite sport, napping!

Madison got reunited with her siblings and her favorite hat!

Look at those cuties and their panda pants!!

The SD3's favorite hang out spot!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23rd, 2009

Hello everybody!
It has been a little while since our last blog, sorry, it has been a crazy time. I wonder why, hahaha!
What a roller coaster ride the past week or so has been. At the last blog, we had both Drew and Madison home with the hopes of having Julia home shortly after. Never count your chickens before they hatch they say, and it is so true. Madison actually had to go back to the hospital last Saturday due to retracting a little and not looking well. She ended up with slight anemia and it seems she has reflux as well. The doctors have kept her for the last week, and we are hoping to have her home in the next few days. She is doing good, but they just want to be sure. She is now 5lbs 12.9oz! Craziness! And then...
We still have 2 babies home! Julia came home Thursday! She took to eating from the bottle and never looked back. She was 5lbs when she came home and is doing great! We are so excited to have her home and really enjoy having 2 babies to look after, but 3 will be even better.
Drew is doing great and packing on the pounds. We now weighs in at 6lbs 4oz! He is getting sooo big, haha! He is so adorable and such a great baby! He is eating almost 4oz of food per feed, absolutely crazy!
Hopefully the next time we blog it will be about the life of 3 babies at home. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!
As always, here are some pictures of the SD3 for your viewing pleasure!




Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12th, 2009

Hello everyone! And then, there were two babies at home!!! That's right, we now have 66.7% of the SD3 home. Madison decided today was the day and we packed her bags and shipped her home. She has had her first meal at home, and is now sitting in her Boppy seat next to her brother in his seat (before you ask, there is a picture included below).

Madison was 4lbs 14.4oz as of last night and we fully expect her to be over 5lbs by the time she sees the doctor this week. Speaking of doctors, Drew had his first pediatrician visit on Monday. He had a few shots, with more coming Thursday, but he did really great. He got weighed as well (they do it with diaper on) and he was 5lbs 4oz!!!!
Julia is also doing good. She is now over 4lbs 7oz and has really become more alert than ever. She is still not taking all her feeds by bottle yet, but she is starting to get it. Once she does, we hope to get her home shortly after.
Tonight will be the first night with two babies, so we shall see how that goes! We are super excited and it is so great having more of our family home.

Drew is tired

Julia is hungry and wide eyed

Madison likes her after meal naps

Best seats in the house

4 out of 5

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10th, 2009

Hello everyone! Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there! Shara's first Mother's Day has been great. Chad and Sarah came up for the weekend and made a huge breakfast this morning while Shara, her Mom and Mom-mom got to open presents! It was a very good day.
The SD3 are doing well. Drew is chilling at home and has been doing good. It is so great having him here. Just looking at him makes us smile. He has his first pediatrician visit tomorrow, so he gets another car ride!! He has been very active and loves his new Boppy Bouncer seat!
Julia has had a very good weekend. She had an awesome nurse yesterday that took the time to work with her and her feeding, and managed to get her to take a full bottle. She has actually taken 3 more since then. It was so awesome that she took the time and it has really helped.
Madison is doing good and loves to make tons of noises. I think she will be a rambler when she learns to talk. It looks like she should be ready to come home soon, just not sure the exact day yet. It is going to be a wild ride when they are all here!!
Here are some new pictures of the brood for your perusal! Talk to you soon!



Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8th, 2009

Hello everybody!

Guess what? We have our first member of the SD3 at home! Drew got sprung loose Thursday, May 7th, the day after the triplets' 2 month birthday! He is doing well and settling in at home. It is such a different experience having a baby in the house and not having any medical stafff, monitors, etc. We are loving every second if it! Drew has been a good boy, a little fussy while he is sleeping, but we found some lullaby music played on his MP3 player really soothes him.

Madison seems to be the next one to be ready. She passed her car seat test and we were told by one doctor that she would be able to come home Saturday, but another doctor came in and wants to keep her over the weekend, just to make sure she is ready. It works for us, as whatever they think is best is what we will do! She could be home as early as Monday, but we shall see!

Julia is a little behind her sister, but doing good as well. She is still learning to drink from the bottle and has yet to start taking feeds from the bottle only. Also, she seems to have some reflux and some nasal issues, so the doctors have her on Prilosec and are putting some special drops in her nose. Hopefully that will get her on the path to coming home soon!

To house all of the little ones, we did go out and get ourselves a new mini-van. We got the Toyota Sienna and love it already. Here is a picture of the new ride!

Let the craziness and fun begin as the SD3 come home! Here are some recent pics for your enjoyment! Keep checking back for updates!




Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 2nd, 2009

Hello everyone! Update time again. Boy, how time flies lately.
The babies are doing well, and getting bigger all the time. Their weights as of the 1st are:
Drew - 4lbs 5oz
Julia - 3lbs 14.6oz
Madison - 4lbs 1.6oz
As you can see, they are definitely packing it on, hahaah! Drew and Madison are taking all their feeds by bottle and Julia is right behind them, learning how to take a whole bottle. Here is some exciting news. If all goes well, we could see Drew and Madison come home by late next week! They are hitting all of the required milestones, and the doctors have asked us to bring in their car seats so that they can be ready to do their car seat test. Julia is close as well, and once she can take all her feedings by bottle, she will be ready to rock and roll too! We are really excited and nervous at the same time. We were not expecting to hear they would be coming home this soon, so we are going flat out getting everything in order. We are getting the nursery finished, getting all the supplies needed, and we even bought a mini-van this week!!! Everyone asks the million dollar question, "Are you ready?" Well, we think we are ready, at least we hope we are, hahah!
Nothing is definite in terms of their coming home, so we will keep preparing and take it one day at a time. We will keep everyone posted though as we get new information.
Here are a few pictures of the little ones. They are sooooooo cute and they are getting so much more active and alert. They are just so fun to be around!


