Hello everybody!
Guess what? We have our first member of the SD3 at home! Drew got sprung loose Thursday, May 7th, the day after the triplets' 2 month birthday! He is doing well and settling in at home. It is such a different experience having a baby in the house and not having any medical stafff, monitors, etc. We are loving every second if it! Drew has been a good boy, a little fussy while he is sleeping, but we found some lullaby music played on his MP3 player really soothes him.
Madison seems to be the next one to be ready. She passed her car seat test and we were told by one doctor that she would be able to come home Saturday, but another doctor came in and wants to keep her over the weekend, just to make sure she is ready. It works for us, as whatever they think is best is what we will do! She could be home as early as Monday, but we shall see!
Julia is a little behind her sister, but doing good as well. She is still learning to drink from the bottle and has yet to start taking feeds from the bottle only. Also, she seems to have some reflux and some nasal issues, so the doctors have her on Prilosec and are putting some special drops in her nose. Hopefully that will get her on the path to coming home soon!
To house all of the little ones, we did go out and get ourselves a new mini-van. We got the Toyota Sienna and love it already. Here is a picture of the new ride!

Let the craziness and fun begin as the SD3 come home! Here are some recent pics for your enjoyment! Keep checking back for updates!



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