Hello everybody!
Enough of that, time to get to the update:
So the SD3 are now a year old and doing grrrreat! They just had their 1 year check up and here are their particulars:
Drew - 19lbs 11oz - 29" tall
Julia - 17lbs 5oz - 28" tall
Madison - 22lbs - 30" tall
So as you can see, they have gotten much bigger and really are growing like weeds. Julia is still our little peanut-o, she is so adorable. What she lacks in size, she makes up in temper, hahah! She has a wee bit of an attitude sometimes when she doesn't get her way, but she does have a great smile and is a very good humored baby. Madison is a little more even keeled and is happy all the time. She laughs a lot, even when we don't know what it is that she finds funny. Inside jokes I guess. She is the biggest and is such a sweetie. Such a sweetie that she is the first to say her first word...Ma Ma!!!! (Shara just can't get enough) ;-) She has started belly crawling and is getting more mobile by the day. Drew is 100% boy. He has been crawling for some time now and gets every where he doesn't belong. He is such a flirt and knows how to play everyone's heart strings. He is pulling to stand and just started cruising as as well. He is so funny, but also has started figuring out it is fun to pull on his sisters' hair!
Here are some pictures. We hope you enjoy and I hope to be a little more on top of my updates!
Puff time!
Those 3 will stick together all throughout life :)
aww socute
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