Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1st, 2009

Hi All,
Today is Shara and my 3 year anniversary, and we cannot believe that we have 3 little babies now to celebrate with! The babies are all doing very well and gaining lots of weight...Shara keeps joking that we are going to have three little preemie baby sumo wrestlers:

Drew - 2 lbs, 7.8 oz
Julia - 2 lbs, 7.5 oz
Madison - 2 lbs, 2.4 oz

They are definitely starting to fill out a little more and looking bigger all the time. They are more alert than ever and like to look around a lot, especially just before feeding time! They are graduating to larger diapers this week, but we are not sure if it is because of their size or their size of their poops! Either way, they need more diaper! Madison actually ruined her entire bed a couple nights ago. The are infamous for their messy ways! all good signs though and we really love spending as much time as possible with them. We can't believe they are almost a month old.

Below are some more recent pictures. We are getting better pictures all the time, especially as they get stuff off their face, but we wanted to let you know that the stuff you see around their cannulas is just tape. I also have updated the SD3 book on Snap Fish, so keep checking back.

**NOTE: We also have a second post below this post that has pictures of the nursery, so ensure you check 'em out!!

Thanks again to everyone and talk to you soon!

Drew - 03/29/09 (3 weeks 2 days old = 30 weeks 2 days gestational age)

Drew - 03/23/09 (2 weeks 3 days old = 29 weeks 3 days gestational age)
Julia - 03/20/09 (2 weeks old = 29 gestational weeks)

Madison - 03/29/09 (3 weeks 3 days old = 30 weeks 3 days gestational age)


Anonymous said...

The babies are beautiful and so sweet. Their movements are beginning to show their little personalities! What a joy!!

Brenda said...

The pictures are great! Drew, Julia and Madison are all so adorable and the room is beautiful! I'm sure you all can't wait until they come home to their gorgeous nursery! What a difference 3 1/2 weeks make!!!
Love Brenda

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is me...Mom Mom of 3!!!

POP-POP x3 said...

I just need everyone to know that these babies are soooooooooo cute , and each showing their own personalities already . I look forward to seeing them as much as possible, and once in the NICU..keep can't keep my eyes off of them ..anyway ..have to go now ..need to make some $$$ to SPOIL them !!

Anonymous said...

So sorry we couldn't come by today. Can't wait to see these beautiful babies up close and personal. We're thinking of you lots. Love, Bob and El