Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ultrasounds - February 16th (Part I)

Here are some pictures from our Level I Ultrasound last Monday. These are again pictures of pictures, but we got some cool ones. Enjoy!

Ultrasounds - February 16th (Part II)

Baby C was the most photgenic of the bunch so she gets her own post!!!

February 21st - Ultrasounds

So, even though I am not home, I wanted to get some pictures up. These are ultrasounds that I took a picture of with my Blackberry, then emailed to myself. Not the greatest, but hopefully with some explaining and some imagination, you will see the SD3!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 21st, 2009

Hello everyone!! So it is Saturday and we are still here at the hospital. Shara and the babies are doing well, but Shara had one high blood pressure reading on Thursday and they decided to keep her for the weekend to be safe. She also had her 3 hour glucose test and passed, so that is great news. We will see on Monday if they want her to stay longer or let her go home.

As everyone probably knows by now, we are postponing the shower until after the babies are born (hopefully they don't arrive for another 10 weeks!!). Even when Shara goes home, she will be on strict bed rest, so it is for the best.

The good news about being here at the hospital is that we get an ultrasound everyday! Today the SD3 has heart rates of 160, 150 and 160 bpm. They are getting so big, which is awesome. We got a few cool pictures this time, but seeing that we are at the hospital, I can't scan them, sorry! We got a great picture of Baby Girl C's feet, they are huge, hahah! Baby A was looking right at us and so was Baby B. You can see Baby B's big cheeks! She gets them honestly from me =o) They are looking more and more less like aliens and more like babies! They have a very important job do do right now. Gain weight and stay indoors for as long as possible!

We will keep everyone posted. We really appreciate all the calls, flowers and best wishes. It is so great to have family and friends that are so thoughtful. Talk to you soon!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 17th, 2009

Hi everyone! This week has been quite an experience. First off, the babies are doing great and all is well with their health. I will get back to them in a second, but wanted to fill you in on what has been going on. Monday, we went in for our Level I ultrasound and like I said, everything was great. When they checked Shara's cervix, they noticed it went from 3.5 cm 2 weeks ago to 2.2 cm. The number is still okay, but the change made the doctor concerned enough to admit Shara for 48 hours. After getting settled in, she was experiencing some contractions, but with some fluids and some medicine, the contractions got under control. They did give her steroid shots for the babies to help their lung development, but things are stable now. We are going to find out Wednesday if Shara can go home or stay in the hospital for a while longer. Either way, she will be on strict bed rest now. We knew this was a possibility and here we are. We will do anything the doctors need us to do to make sure those little munchkins stay indoors for at least 10 more weeks! Shara's spirits are great and she is keeping us all laughing. The staff here are fantastic and make us feel at home. I have been sleeping on a cot is Shara's room, and there is no place else I'd rather be.

Now onto the better news. The babies are growing like crazy! Their heartbeats are 144, 150, 151 bpm respectively. Their weight is what was surprising to us! Baby A is 1 lbs - 12 oz, Baby B and C are 1 lbs - 8 oz each. They all gained almost a pound each in 4 weeks! We were blown away! I will post the ultrasounds when we get home (haven't been home since, haha!).

I should have posted earlier so people were not wondering, and I apologize for that. Just keep those positive vibes flowing and feel free to call or email anytime. We will keep everyone posted!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10th, 2009

Today is Shara's birthday! The ripe old age of 29! We are spending her birthday at the doctor and pediatrician, Woo!!

The doctor appointment went great, and everyone is fine. The babies' heartbeats are 144, 163 and 166 bpm. Can you guess which is the boy? HAHA! We did go to triage yesterday as we were not sure if we could feel each of the babies kick or not. Everything was fine, and we got to see the little ones via ultrasound. Man, do they love to wiggle around. I think they will come out bruised from the beatings they are putting on each other!! HA!

We are now sitting at the pediatrician waiting for a consult. Lots of emergencies this morning though, so it looks like it could be a while. No worries as I think we will do our share of making others wait very soon!!!

After this, we are going to relax and enjoy the day together. Ultrasounds are next Monday, and a doctor's appointment Tuesday. Oh yeah, doctor's visits are now weekly. Things are steam rolling! Just to keep everyone on the same page, Shara's weeks roll over on Fridays, so this coming Friday will be 24 weeks!

Lastly, we did have Chad and Sarah come up and help paint this past weekend. The nursery is completely empty and went from green to a very nice neutral color. The trim will be painted white this week. We will defintely post pictures once I finish the trim! Talk to you soon. Keep those comments, email, phone calls and visits coming!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2nd, 2009

Hello everyone! It is update time again!

We just came back from the doctor for the quick ultrasound and everything is fantastic! The babies heartbeats are 163, 150 and 153 bpm respectively. They are all getting so big and moving around so much! The sonographer this week was great and she was almost as excited as we were! We got to have her check the sexes again just to be sure and trust me, Baby A is a boy! We have the close up picture to prove it, but in order to avoid extreme embarrassment for the boy when he is in his teens and the picture gets leaked, we will keep that one off the world wide web, hahaha! Shara's cervix is looking awesome and is well above its acceptable benchmark. New profile pictures of our little brood are posted down below. We can't believe how big they are getting.

Also posted are new pictures of Shara! These were taken just a couple days ago. When Shara put this shirt on and it was tight, we had to take pictures. Isn't she adorable? You got to love that belly!!!! I certainly do, and take every opportunity rub it, talk to it, and now sing to it =)

Shara is doing really good and being a trooper for being stuck in the house and me traveling almost all week the past few weeks. Thanks to everyone you calls, emails and visits. Keep it up! Just to make sure everyone understands, it is not a bother to Shara, she loves it!

Shara's health is good, and today she got set up with at home contraction monitoring to make sure those babies don't try anything funny, like wanting to join the fun too early! Moving around is getting difficult, but it would be for anyone at this point.

That is it for now! Next week is the regular doctor visit, then the week after is the growth ultrasound. They will be over 24 weeks by then, WOW!

Pictures of Shara - 22 weeks!!!!

Look at that belly!! NICE!

Isn't she the cutest pregnant lady ever??

Ultrasound Pictures - February 2, 2009