Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18th, 2009

Hello everybody!

I am a little better this time and didn't wait months for the next post, haha!

The kids are doing great! They are so funny and getting bigger all the time. Drew has not been weighed since the last post, but the girls got weighed today. Julia is now 14lbs 3oz and Madison is 18lbs 4oz! She is huge! HAHA!

They are so fun. Drew laughs and giggles all the time, and really has started playing games with us. He is starting to sit a little longer each day before falling, so it should be any week now! He loves his belly and rolls over to sleep every night. So cute! Julia is such a cutie. Everyone that comes over just instantly falls in love with her. We call her baby baby as she is like the others but a more baby version, lol. Madison laughs all the time for no reason and by herself sometimes. She is such a good humored baby. Her hair is crazy long and matches her personality.

The kids are now up to Level II foods twice a day and they love eating. I posted pictures of their new feeding table they use that makes feeding so much easier. A little messy, but it is great!

We have a baby proofing expert coming over next week as they are going to be mobile sooner than later, so we better get cracking!

That is it for now, just wanted to ensure everyone that is still following the SD3 got a quick update. Here are some new pictures showing off their table and their new winter gear! Enjoy!

Our table!

Drew Bug!


The SD3 is ready for winter!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3rd, 2009

Hello everyone! Well it has been waaay too long since my our last post, again. Sorry to all those who like to keep up on the SD3's progress. The triplets are doing great! They are getting so big so fast, we can't keep up! Here are their weights these days:

Drew - 14lbs 14oz

Julia - 12lbs 10oz

Madison - 16lbs 10oz

As you can see, Madison is leading the pack. In fact, she is now in the 30th percentile for her biological age, not her corrected age! She is so much bigger that her big sister, haha!

They are so adorable and such happy babies. Drew is a real little boy. He has begun rolling from his back to his belly and even without crawling, he seems to find a way to move all over the place. We are going to have to keep a close eye on that little guy. He smiles all the time and has the greatest laugh ever. Julia's personality has really come to life. She has a smile that lights up the room and makes the cutest little noises. She melts hearts everywhere she goes. She is so small and loves being held whenever she can. Madison is the big flirt. She smiles all the time and finds almost everything funny. She finds the sound of others coughing to be hysterical, haha. She is the queen of the jumperoo and rocks that thing like no one's business.

The kids are now eating cereal and fruits/vegetables twice a day and loving it. They like apple sauce, pears, sweet potatoes, peaches, bananas, squash and will even eat sweet peas. They do NOT like green beans at all, but you can't win 'em all!

Here are some new pictures, including some Halloween pics. As you can see, they were Care Bears for their first Halloween and were so freakin' cute! We hope you enjoy!